

Apposition is a play on grammar in which words or phrases occupying the same part of speech are placed side by side each other, with one word or phrase illustrating the other.1

Types of Apposition:

Restrictive Apposition: this apposition gives necessary information to the word or phrase being illustrated. Without it, the meaning changes.2

Non-restrictive Apposition: this apposition gives extra information that is not crucial to the illustration.3

Literary examples:

"John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a great and good President, the friend of all people of goodwill, a believer in the dignity and equality of all human beings, a fighter for justice, an apostle of peace, has been snatched from our midst by the bullet of an assassin."4

"The opportunity to work with you and serve Massachusetts has made my life worthwhile. And so I ask you tonight, the people of Massachusetts, to think this through with me. In facing this decision, I seek your advice and opinion. In making it, I seek your prayers."5

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