This bibliograpy includes sources on Kenneth Burke in rhetorical studies, especially dramatism. Particular strains of Burkean inspired analysis may be assigned their own bibliographies.
Appel, Edward C. "Implications and Importance of the Negative in Burke's Dramatistic Philosophy of Language." Communication Quarterly 41 (1993): 51-65.
Appel, Edward C. "The Rhetoric of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Comedy and Context in Tragic Collision." Western Journal of Communication 61 (1997): 376-402.
Baxter, Gerald D., and Pat M. Taylor. "Burke's Theory of Consubstantiality and Whitehead's Concept of Concrescence." Communication Monographs 45 (1978): 173-180.
Biesecker, Barbara A. Addressing Postmodernity: Kenneth Burke, Rhetoric, and a Theory of Social Change. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2000.
Blain, Michael. "The Politics of Victimage: Power and Subjection in a U.S. Anti-Gay Campaign." Critical Discourse Studies 2 (2005): 31-50.
Blankenship, Jane, Marlene G. Fine, and Leslie K. Davis. "The 1980 Republican Primary Debates: The Transformation of Actor to Scene." Quarterly Journal of Speech 69 (1983): 25-36.
Bobbitt, D. A. (2004). The rhetoric of redemption: Kenneth Burke's redemption drama and Martin Luther King, Jr.'s I have a Dream Speech. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Bostdorff, Denise M. "Making Light of James Watt: A Burkean Approach to the Form and Attitude of Political Cartoons. Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (1987): 43-59.
Brock, Bernard L., ed. Kenneth Burke and Contemporary European Thought: Rhetoric in Transition. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1995.
Brock, Bernard L. "Epistemology and Ontology in Kenneth Burke's Dramatism." Communication Quarterly 33.2 (1985): 94-104.
Brummett, Barry. "Burkean Comedy and Tragedy, Illustrated in Reactions to the Arrest of John DeLorean." Central States Speech Journal 35 (1984): 217-227.
Brummett, Barry. "Burkean Scapegoating, Mortification, and Transcendence in Presidential Campaign Rhetoric." Central States Speech Journal 32 (1981): 254-264.
Brummett, Barry. "Burke's Representative Anecdote as a Method in Media Criticism." Contemporary Rhetorical Theory: A Reader. Ed. John Louis Lucaites, Celeste Michelle Condit, and Sally Caudill. New York, NY : Guilford, 1999. 479-493.
Brummett, Barry. "Symbolic Form, Burkean Scapegoating, and Rhetorical Exigency in Alioto's Response to the 'Zebra' Murders." Western Journal of Speech Communication 44 (1980): 64-73.
Carlson, Cheree A. "Gandhi and the Comic Frame: "Ad bellum purificandum." Quarterly Journal of Speech 72 (1986): 446-455.
Carlson, Cheree A. "Limitations on the Comic Frame: Some Witty American Women of the Nineteenth Century." Quarterly Journal of Speech 74 (1988): 310-322.
Carlson, Cheree A. "You Know It When You See It: The Rhetorical Hierarchy of Race and Gender in Rhinelander v. Rhinelander." Quarterly Journal of Speech 85 (1999): 111-128.
Carmichael, Thomas. "Postmodernism, Symbolicity, and the Rhetoric of the Hyperreal: Kenneth Burke, Fredric Jameson, and Jean Baudrillard." Text and Performance Quarterly 11 (1991): 319-324.
Carter, C. Allen. Kenneth Burke and the Scapegoat Process. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1996.
Coe, Richard M. "Defining Rhetoric—and Us: A Meditation on Burke's Definitions." The Kinneavy Papers: Theory and the Study of Discourse. Ed. Lynn Worsham et al. Albany, NY : State U of New York P, 2000. 353-367.
Condit, Celeste. "Framing Kenneth Burke: Sad Tragedy or Comic Dance?" Quarterly Journal of Speech 80 (1994): 77-82.
Condit, Celester Michelle, and J. Ann Selzer. "The Rhetoric of Objectivity in the Newspaper Coverage of a Murder Trial." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 2 (1985): 197-216.
Cooks, Leda, and Descutner, David. "Different Paths from Powerlessness to Empowerment: A Dramatistic Analysis of Two Eating Disorder Therapies." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 494-514.
Copeland, Gary A., and Dan Slater. "Television, Fantasy and Vicarious Catharsis." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 2 (1985): 352-362.
Corcoran, Farrell. "The Bear in the Back Yard: Myth, Ideology, and Victimage Ritual in Soviet Funerals." Communication Monographs 50 (1983): 305-320.
Crable, Bryan. "Burke's Perspectives on Perspectives: Grounding Dramatism in the Representative Anecdote." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86 (2000): 318-333.
—-. "Ideology as 'Metabiology': Rereading Burke's Permanence and Change." Quarterly Journal of Speech 84 (1998): 303-319.
—-. "Race and A Rhetoric of Motives: Kenneth Burke's Dialogue with Ralph Ellison." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 33 (2003): 5-25.
—-. "Rhetoric, Anxiety and Character Armor: Burke's Interactional Rheoric of Identity 1." Western Journal of Communication 70 (2006): 1-22.
Crafton, Jeffrey A. The Agency of the Apostle: A Dramatistic Analysis of Paul's Responses to Conflict in 2 Corinthians. JSNT Supplement Series 51. Sheffield: JSOT P, 1991.
Crusius, Timothy W. Kenneth Burke and the Conversation after Philosophy. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1999.
Crusius, Timothy W. "Orality in Kenneth Burke's Dialectic." Philosophy & Rhetoric 21/2 (1988): 116-130.
Darr, Christopher R. "Civility as Rhetorical Enactment: The John Ashcroft 'Debates' and Burke's Theory of Form." Southern Communication Journal 70 (2005): 316-328.
Day, Dennis G. "Persuasion and the Concepts of Identification." Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 (1960): 270-273.
Edgar, Amanda Nell. "R&B Rhetoric and Victim-Blaming Discourses: Exploring The Popular Press's Revision of Rihanna's Contextual Agency." Women's Studies in Communication 37, 138-158. (2014)
Engnell, Richard A. "Materiality, Symbolicity, and the Rhetoric of Order: 'Dialectical Biologism' as Motive in Burke." Western Journal of Communication 62 (1998): 1-25.
Enos, Theresa. "'Verbal Atom Cracking': Burke and a Rhetoric of Reading." Philosophy and Rhetoric 31 (1998): 64-70.
Ewbank, Henry L. "The Constitution: Burkeian, Brandesian and Borkian Perspectives." Southern Communication Journal 61 (1996): 220-232.
Fay, Isabel, and Jim A. Kuypers. “Transcending Mysticism and Building Identification Through Empowerment of the Rhetorical Agent: John F. Kennedy’s Berlin Speeches on June 26, 1963.” Southern Communication Journal, vol. 77, no. 3, July 2012, pp. 198–215. Taylor and Francis+NEJM, doi:10.1080/1041794X.2011.637601.
Farrel, Corcoran. "The Bear in the Back Yard: Myth, Ideology, and Victimage Ritual in Soviet Funerals." Communication Monographs 50 (1983): 305-320.
Foss, Karen A. "John Lennon and the Advisory Function of Eulogies." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 187-194.
Gaines, Robert N. "Identification and Redemption in Lysias' Against Eratosthenes." Central States Speech Journal 30 (1979): 199-210.
Genter, Robert. "Toward a Theory of Rhetoric: Ralph Ellison, Kenneth Burke, and the Problem of Modernism." Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 48 (2002: 191-214.
George, Ann, and Jack Selzer. "What Happened at the First American Writers' Congress? Kenneth Burke's 'Revolutionary Symbolism in America'." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 33 (2003): 47-66.
Goldzwig, Steven R. "LBJ, the Rhetoric of Transcendence, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 6 (2003): 25-54.
Gudas, Fabian. "The Vitality of Dramatism." Literature in Performance 3.2 (1983): 1-12.
Gronbeck, Bruce E. "John Morley and the Irish Question: Chart-Prayer-Dream." Speech Monographs 40 (1973): 287-295.
Hahn, Dan F., and Anne Morland. "A Burkean Analysis of Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address." Presidential Studies Quarterly 9 (1979): 376-389.
Hansen, Andrew C. "The Stasis in Counter-Statement: 'Applications of the Terminology' as Attempted Reconciliation of the Formal and the Rhetorical." Rhetoric Review 20 (2001): 293-313.
Hawhee, Debra. "Language as Sensuous Action: Sir Richard Paget, Kenneth Burke, and Gesture-Speech Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 92/4 (2006): 331-354.
Henderson, Graig E., and David Cratis Williams, eds. Unending Conversations: New Writings By and About Kenneth Burke. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2001.
Holland, L. Virginia. “Kenneth Burke’s Dramatistic Approach in Speech Criticism.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 41, no. 4 (December 1955): 352. doi:10.1080/00335635509382094.
Horan, James L. "Solzhenitsyn on Detente: A Study of Perspective by Incongruity." Southern Speech Communication Journal 42 (1976): 163-177.
Hubbard, Bryan. "Reassessing Truman, the Bomb, and Revisionism: The Burlesque Frame and Entelechy in the Decision to Use Atomic Weapons against Japan." Western Journal of Communication 62 (1998): 348-385.
Hassett, Michael. "Sophisticated Burke: Kenneth Burke as a Neosophistic Rhetorician." Rhetoric Review 13 (1995): 371-390.
Hawhee, Debra. "Burke and Nietzsche." Quarterly Journal of Speech 85 (1999): 129-145.
Kenny, Robert Wade. "The Constitutional Dialectic." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86 (2000): 455-464.
Kenny, Robert Wade. "The Rhetoric of Kevorkian's Battle." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86 (2000): 386-401.
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Kenny, Robert Wade. “The Glamour of Motives: Applications of Kenneth Burke within the Sociological Field.” KB Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2008.
Kenny, Robert Wade. "A Cycle of Terms Implicit in the Idea of Medicine: Karen Ann Quinlan as Rhetorical Icon and the Transvaluation of the Ethics of Euthanasia," Health Communication 17, 1, 2005, pp. 17-39.
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Kenny, Robert Wade. “Toward a Better Death: Applying Burkean Principles of Symbolic Action to Interpret Family Adaptation To Karen Ann Quinlan's Coma," Health Communication, Volume13, Issue 4, 2001, pages 363-386.
Kenny, Robert Wade. “Body-as-World: Kenneth Burke's Answer to the Post-Modern Challenges to Sociology (With Valerie Bentz)," Sociological Theory, Volume 15, Issue 1, 1997, pages 81-96.
King, Andrew. "Burkean Theory Reborn: How Burkean Studies Assimilated Its Postmodern Critics." Rhetoric Review 20 (2001): 32-37.
King, Robert L. "Transforming Scandal into Tragedy: A Rhetoric of Political Apology." Quarterly Journal of Speech 71 (1985): 289-301.
Klumpp, James F. "A Rapprochement between Dramatism and Argumentation." Argumentation and Advocacy 29 (1993): 164-177.
Klope, David C. "Defusing a Foreign Policy Crisis: Myth and Victimage in Reagan's 1983 Lebanon/Grenada Address." Western Journal of Speech Communication 50 (1986): 336-349.
Kuseski, Brenda. "Kenneth Burke's 'Five Dogs' and Mother Teresa's Love." Quarterly Journal of Speech 74 (1988): 323-333.
Levasseur, David. "Edifying Arguments and Perspective by Incongruity: The Perplexing Argumentation Method of Kenneth Burke." Argumentation and Advocacy 29 (1993): 195-203.
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Maddux, Kristy. "Finding Comedy in Theology: A Hopeful Supplement to Burke's Logology." Philosophy & Rhetoric 39 (2006): 208-232.
Madsen, Arnold. "The Comic Frame as a Corrective to Bureaucratization: A Dramatistic Perspective on Argumentation." Argumentation and Advocacy 29 (1993): 164-177.
Marlier, John. "Fifteen Minutes of Glory: A Burkean Analysis of Press Coverage of Oliver North's Testimony." Political Communication and Persuasion 6 (1989): 269-288.
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Murray, Jeffrey W. "Kenneth Burke: A Dialogue of Motives." Philosophy & Rhetoric 35 (2002): 22-49.
O'Leary, Stephen D., and Mark H. Wright. "Psychoanalyxix and Burkeian Rhetorical Criticism." Southern Communication Journal 61 (1995): 104-121.
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