Enthymemes, Maxims and Examples: Sources

Enthymemes: Rhetorical devices that are essentially an incomplete syllogism, or a logical argument in which one of the premises or the conclusion is not explicitly stated. In other words, it is a form of argumentation that relies on the audience to fill in the missing piece of the argument.

Maxims: Brief statements or guidelines that express a general truth or rule of conduct.

The following is a comprehensive bibliography on the enthymeme in communication, rhetoric and classical studies.

Aden, Roger C. "The Enthymeme as Postmodern Argument Form: Condensed, Mediated Argument Then and Now." Argumentation and Advocacy 31 (1994): 54-63.

Aune, David. E. "The Use and Abuse of the Enthymeme in New Testament Scholarship." University of Notre Dame Journal of Communication 44 (2002): 199-212.

Bitzer, Lloyd. "Aristotle's Enthymeme Revisited." Quarterly Journal of Speech 45 (1959): 399-408.

Conley, Thomas M. "The Enthymeme in Perspective." Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (1984): 168-187.

Crick, Nathan. "Conquering Our Imagination: Thought Experiments and Enthymemes in Scientific Argument." Philosophy & Rhetoric 37/1 (2004): 21-41.

Dyck, T/Ed. "Topos and Enthymeme." Rhetorica 20 (2002): 105-118.

Finnegan, Cara A. "The Naturalistic Enthymeme and Visual Argument: Photographic Representation in the 'Skull Controversy'." Argumentation and Advocacy 37 (2001): 133-.

Fredal, James. "Enthymemes in the Orators" Advances in the History of Rhetoric. 19-1. (2016): 31-49.

Gaines, Robert N. "Aristotle's Rhetorical Rhetoric?" Philosophy & Rhetoric 19 (1986): 194-200.

Goulding, Daniel J. "Aristotle's Concept of the Enthymeme." Journal of the American Forensic Association 2 (1965): 104-108.

Grennan, Wayne. "Are 'Gap-Fillers' Missing Premises?" Informal Logic 16 (1994): 185-196.

Guerrero, Laura K., and George N. Dionisopoulos. "Enthymematic Solutions to the Lockshin Defection Story: A Case Study in the Repair of a Problematic Narrative." Communication Studies 41 (1990): 299-310.

Harper, Nancy. "An Analytical Description of Aristotle's Enthymeme." Central States Speech Journal 24 (1973): 304-309.

Hitchcock, David. "Does the Traditional Treatment of Enthymemes Rest on a Mistake?" Argumentation 12 (1998): 15-37.

Holloway, Paul A. "The Enthymeme as an Element of Style in Paul." Journal of Biblical Literature 120 (2001): 329-339.

Jacquette, Dale. "Charity and the Reiteration Problem for Enthymemes." Informal Logic 18 (1996): 1-15.

Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, Erika Falk, and Susan Scherr. "The Enthymeme Gap in the 1996 Presidential Campaign." PS: Political Science and Politics 32 (1999): 12-16.

Kirby, John T. "Toward a General Theory of the priamel." Classical Journal 80 (1985): 142-144.

Lanigan, Richard L. "Enthymeme: The Rhetorical Species of Aristotle's Syllogism." Southern Communication Journal 39 (1974): 207-222.

Poster, Carol. “A Historicist Recontextualization of the Enthymeme.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 22 (1992): 1–24.

—-. "From Enthymeme to Abduction: The Classical Law of Logic and the Postmodern Rule of Rhetoric." Recovering Pragmatism's Voice: The Classical Tradition, Rorty, and the Philosophy of Communication. Ed. Lenore Langsdorf and Andrew R. Smith. Albany: SUNY P, 1995. 49-70.

Levi, Don S. "The Case of the Missing Premise." Informal Logic 17 (1995): 67-88.

Perelman, Chaim. "The new rhetoric: A theory of practical reasoning." The new rhetoric and the humanities: Essays on rhetoric and its applications (1979): 1-42.

Piazza, F. "Pisteis in Comparison: Examples and Enthymemes in the Rhetoric to Alexander and in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Rhetorica, vol. 29, no. 3, 2011, pp. 305-318.

Walker, Jeffrey. "The Body of Persuasion: A Theory of the Enthymeme." College English 56 (1994): 46-65.

Walton, Douglas N. "Enthymemes, Common Knowledge, and Plausible Inference." Philosophy & Rhetoric 34 (2001): 93-112.

Williams, Mark A. E. "Arguing With Style: How Persuasion and the Enthymeme Work Together in On Invention, Book 3." Southern Communication Journal 68 (2003): 136-151.

Zulick, Margaret D.

"Generative Rhetoric and Public Argument: A Classical Approach." Argumentation and Advocacy 33 (1997): 109-119.

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