Comprehensive on rhetorical theory and criticism with regard to genre in general, and particular speech genres when these are not given separate bibliographies.
See also particular genres:
Presidential Inaugural
Basgier, Christopher. “The Author-Function, The Genre Function, and The Rhetoric of Scholarly Webtexts.” Computers & Composition 28, no. 2 (June 2011): 145–59. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2011.04.003.
Brown, William R., Joseph Epolito, and Nancy Stump. "Genre Theory and the Practice of Readers Theatre." Speech Teacher 23 (1974): 1-8.
Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Deeds Done in Words: Presidential Rhetoric and the Genres of Governance. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1990.
Carlson, A. Cheree. "John Quincy Adams' 'Amistad Address': Eloquence in a Generic Hybrid." Western Journal of Speech Communication 49 (1985): 14-26.
Clark, Thomas D. "An Exploration of Generic Aspects of Contemporary American Campaign Orations." Central States Speech Journal 30 (1979): 122-133.
Coe, Richard, Lorelei Lingard, and Tatiana Teslenko, eds. Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre. New York: Hampton Press, 2002.
Conley, Thomas M. 1979. “Ancient Rhetoric and Modern Genre Criticism.” Communication Quarterly 27 (4): 47–53. doi:10.1080/01463377909369350.
Browne, Stephen H. "Generic Transformation and Political Action: A Textual Interpretation of Edmunde Burke's Letter to William Elliot, Esq." Communication Quarterly 30 (1990): 54-63.
Fisher, Walter. "Genre: Concepts and Applications in Rhetorical Criticism." Western Journal of Communication 44 (1980): 288-299.
George, Ann. 2017. “Rhetoric in American Anthropology: Gender, Genre, and Science.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 20 (2): 376–79. doi:10.14321/rhetpublaffa.20.2.0376.
Harrell, Jackson, and Wil A. Linkugel. "On Rhetorical Genre: An Organizing Principle." Philosophy & Rhetoric 11 (1978): 262-281.
Harris, Melissa Renee, and Ashley R. Hall. "My Living Shall Not Be in Vain": The Rhetorical Power of Eulogies in the Face of Civil Unrest." Journal Of Contemporary Rhetoric 8, no. 3 (July 2018): 173-183.
Jablonski, Carol A. "Richard Nixon's Irish Wake: A Case of Generic Transference." Communication Studies 30 (1979): 164-173.
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall. "Antecedent Genre as Rhetorical Constraint." Quarterly Journal of Speech 61 (1975) 406-415.
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall. "Generic Constraints and the Rhetorical Situation." Philosophy and Rhetoric 6 (1973): 162-170.
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, and Karlyn Kohrs Campbell "Rhetorical Hybrids: Fusions of Generic Elements." Quarterly Journal of Speech 68 (1982): 146-157.
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, and Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, eds. Form and Genre: Shaping Rhetorical Action. Falls Church, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1978.
Johannesen, Richard L. "Ronald Reagan's Economic Jeremiad." Central States Speech Journal 37 (1986): 79-89.
Juzwik, Mary M. “The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre: Strategies for Stability and Change.” College Composition & Communication 55, no. 4 (June 2004): 767–70. doi:10.2307/4140672.
Lucas, Stephen E. "Genre Criticism and Historical Context: The Case of George Washington's First Inaugural Address." Southern Communication Journal 57 (1986): 354-370.
Miller, Carolyn R., and Jeanne Fahnestock. 2013. “Genres in Scientific and Technical Rhetoric.” Poroi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis & Invention 9 (1): 2–4. doi:10.13008/2151-2957.1161.
Nelson, John S. “Genres in the Rhetorics of Political Ads.” Conference Proceedings — National Communication Association/American Forensic Association (Alta Conference on Argumentation), January 1993, 379–87.
Pearce, Kimber Charles. "The Radical Feminist Manifesto as Generic Appropriation: Gender, Genre, and Second Wave Resistance." Southern Communication Journal 64 (1999): 307-315.
Raum, Richard D., and James S. Measell. "Wallace and his Ways: A Study of the Rhetorical Genre of Polarization." Central States Speech Journal 25 (1974): 28-35.
Ritter, Kurt W. "American Political Rhetoric and the Jeremiad Tradition: Presidential Nomination Acceptance Addresses, 1960-1976." Central States Speech Journal 31 (1980): 153-171.
Sánchez-Escalonilla, Antonio. 2010. “Hollywood and the Rhetoric of Panic: The Popular Genres of Action and Fantasy in the Wake of the 9/11 Attacks.” Journal of Popular Film & Television 38 (1): 10–20. doi:10.1080/01956050903449640.
Schmid, Ulrich. 2010. “Constitution and Narrative: Peculiarities of Rhetoric and Genre in the Foundational Laws of the USSR and the Russian Federation.” Studies in East European Thought 62 (3/4): 431–51. doi:10.1007/s11212-010-9122-y.
Simons, Herbert W., and Aram A. Aghazarian, eds. Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1986.
Simons, Herbert W. 1982. “Genres, Rules, and Collective Rhetorics: Applying the Requirements-Problems-Strategies Approach.” // Communication Quarterly 30/3 (1982): 181–88. doi:10.1080/01463378209369447.
Smith, Craig Allen, and Kathy B. Smith. "Presidential Values and Public Priorities: Recurrent Patterns in Addresses to the Nation, 1963-1984." Presidential Studies Quarterly 15 (1985): 743-753.
Wilson, Gayle E. “Genre and Rhetoric in Dryden’s "Upon the Death of Lord Hastings". Southern Speech Journal 35 (Spring 1970): 256–66.