Ideological Theory and Cultural Studies: Rhetorical Sources

Bibliography of sources stemming from discussions of rhetoric and ideology, especially the work of Michael Calvin McGee, Philip Wander and others. Also included are works in rhetoric and communication building on the cultural studies of Antonio Gramsci and Stuart Hall.


Anderson, Peter A. "Beyond Criticism: The Activist Turn in Ideological Debate." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 247-256.

Balthrop, V. William. "Culture, Myth, and Ideology as Public Argument: An Interpretation of the Ascent and Demise of 'Southern Culture'." Communication Monographs 51 (1984): 339-352.

Beasley, Vanessa B. "The Rhetoric of Ideological Consensus in the United States: American Principles and American Pose in Presidential Inaugurals." Communication Monographs 68.2 (2001): 169-83.

Bineham, Jeffrey L. "Theological Hegemony and Oppositional Interpretive Codes: The Case of Evangelical Christian Feminism." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 515-529.

Blair, Carole, Brown, Julie R., and Leslie A. Baxter. "Disciplining the Feminine." Quarterly Journal of Speech 80 (1994): 383-409.

Brown, William R. "Attention and the Rhetoric of Social Intervention." Quarterly Journal of Speech 68 (1982): 17-27.

—-. "Ideology as Communication Process." Quarterly Journal of Speech 64 (1978): 123-140.

Campbell, J. Louis. "'All Men are Created Equal': Waiting for Godot in the Culture of Inequality." Communication Monographs 55 (1988): 143-161.

—-. "Freedom and the Rhetoric of Grammar: A Spelunkian Exploration." Central States Speech Journal 36 (1985): 178-185.

Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs. Response to Forbes Hill." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 126-127.

Cloud, Dana L. "Concordance, Complexity, and Conservatism: Rejoinder to Condit." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 14 (1997): 193-197.

—-. "Hegemony or Concordance? The Rhetoric of Tokenism in "Oprah" Winfrey's Rags-to-Riches Biography." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 13 (1996): 115-137.

Condit, Celeste Michelle. "The Critic as Empath: Moving Away From Totalizing Theory." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 178-190.

—-.. "Democracy and Civil Rights: The Universalizing Influence of Public Argumentation." Communication Monographs 54 (1987): 1-18.

—-. "Hegemony in a Mass-Mediated Society: Concordance about Reproductive Technologies." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 11 (1994): 205-230.

—-. "Rhetorical Criticism and Audiences: The Extremes of McGee and Leff." Western Journal of Speech Communication 54 (1990): 330-345.

Condit, Celester Michelle, and J. Ann Selzer. "The Rhetoric of Objectivity in the Newspaper Coverage of a Murder Trial." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 2 (1985): 197-216.

Condit, Celeste Michelle, and John Louis Lucaites. Crafting Equalit: America's Anglo-African Word. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1993.

Connelly, Eric. "State Secrets and Redaction: The Interaction Between Silence and Ideographs." Western Journal of Communication 76.3 (2012): 236-249.

Corcoran, Farrel. "The Bear in the Back Yard: Myth, Ideology, and Victimage Ritual in Soviet Funerals." Communication Monographs 50 (1983): 305-320.

—-. "KAL 007 and the Evil Empire: Mediated Disaster and Forms of Rationalization." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 3 (1986): 297-316.

—-. The Widening Gyre: Another Look at Ideology in Wander and His Critics." Central States Speech Journal 35 (1984): 54-56.

Crowley, Sharon. "Reflections on the Argument that Won't Go Away: Or, A Turn of the Ideological Screw." Quarterly Journal of Speech 78 (1992): 450-465.

Cyphert, Dale. "Ideology, Knowledge, and Text: Pulling at the Knot in Ariadne's Thread." Quarterly Journal of Speech 87 (2001): 378-395.

Delgado, Fernando Pedro. "Chicano Movement Rhetoric: An Ideographic Interpretation." Communication Quarterly 43 (1995): 446-454.

—-. "The Rhetoric of Fidel Castro: Ideographs in the Service of Revolutionaries." Howard Journal of Communications 10 (1999): 1-14.

DePoe, Stephen P. "'Qualitative Liberalism': Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and the Persuasive Uses of Definition and History." Communication Studies 40 (1989): 81-96.

Dow, Bonnie J. "Hegemony, Feminist Criticism and The Mary Tyler Moore Show." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 7 (1990): 261-274.

Edwards, Janis L., and Carol K. Winkler. "Representative Form and the Visual Ideograph: The Iwo Jima Image in Editorial Cartoons." Quarterly Journal of Speech 83 (1997): 289-310.

Erickson, Keith V. "Presidential Rhetoric's Visual Turn: Performance Fragments and the Politics of Illusionism." Communication Monographs 67 (2000): 138-157.

Farrell, Thomas B. "On the Disappearance of the Rhetorical Aura." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 147-158.

Francesconi, Robert. Heidegger and Ideology: Reflections of an Innocent Bystander." Central States Speech Journal 35 (1984): 51-53.

Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar. "Object and Method in Rhetorical Criticism: From Wichelns to Leff and McGee." Western Journal of Speech Communication 54 (1990): 290-316.

Guerrero, Laura K., and George N. Dionisopoulos. "Enthymematic Solutions to the Lockshin Defection Story: A Case Study in the Repair of a Problematic Narrative." Communication Studies 41 (1990): 299-310.

Gunn, Joshua, and Shaun Treat. "Zombie Trouble: A Propaedeutic on Ideological Subjectification and the Unconscious." Quarterly Journal of Speech 91/2 (2005): 144-174.

Hill, Forbes. A Turn Against Ideology: Reply to Professor Wander." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 121-126.

Hollihan, Thomas A., and Patricia Riley. "Rediscovering Ideology." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 272-277.

Huxman, Susan Schulz. "Mennonite Rhetoric in World War I: A Case Study in the Conflict Between Ideological Commitments and Rhetorical Choices." Journal of Communication and Religion 16 (1993): 41-53.

Ivie, Robert L. "The Ideology of Freedom's 'Fragility' in American Foreign Policy Argument." Journal of the American Forensic Association 24 (1987): 27-36.

Jasinski, James "Ideology, Reflection, and Alienation in Rhetorical and Argumentative Practice." Journal of the American Forensic Association 24 (1988): 207-217.

Jensen, Robert. "Pornographic Novels and the Idealogy of Male Supremacy." Howard Journal of Communications 5 (1994): 92-107.

Katriel, Tamar. "'Our Future is Where Our Past Is:' Studying Heritage Museums as Ideological and Performative Arenas." Communication Monographs 60 (1993): 69-75.

Kneupper, Charles W. "Argument and Ideology: A Conceptually Adrift Introduction." Journal of the American Forensic Association 24 (1987): 1-3.

—-. "Rhetoric, Public Knowledge and Ideological Argumentation." Journal of the American Forensic Association 21 (1985): 183-195.

Langford, Catherine L. "On Making <Person>s: Ideographs of Legal <Person> Hood." Argumentation & Advocacy 52.2 (2015): 125-140.

Lee, Ronald. "Moralizing and Ideologizing: An Analysis of Political Illocutions." Western Journal of Speech Communication 52 (1988): 291-307.

Lee, Ronald, and Karen King Lee. "Multicultural Education in the Little Red Schoolhouse: A Rhetorical Exploration of Ideological Justification and Mythic Repair." Communication Studies 49 (1998): 1-17.

Lu, Xing. "An Ideological/Cultural Analysis of Political Slogans in Communist China." Discourse and Society 10 (1999): 487-508.

Lucaites, John Louis. "Visualizing 'The People': Individualism vs. Collectivism in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men." Quarterly Journal of Speech 83 (1997): 269-288.

Lucaites, John Louis, and Celeste Michelle Condit. "Reconstructing <Equality>: Culturetypal and Counter-Cultural Rhetorics in the Martyred Black Vision." Communication Monographs 57 (1990): 5-24.

Makus, Anne. "Stuart Hall's Theory of Ideology: A Frame for Rhetorical Criticism." Western Journal of Speech Communication 54 (1990): 494-514.

Martin, Martha Anne. "Ideologues, Ideographs, and 'The Best Men': From Carter to Reagan." Southern Speech Communication Journal 49 (1983): 12-25.

McGee, Michael Calvin. "Another Philippic: Notes on the Ideological Turn in Criticism." Central States Speech Journal 35 (1984): 43-50.

—-. "The 'Ideograph': A Link Between Rhetoric and Ideology." Quarterly Journal of Speech 66 (1980): 1-16.

—-. "In Search of 'The People': A Rhetorical Alternative." Quarterly Journal of Speech 61 (1975): 235-249.

—-. "'Not Men, but Measures': The Origins and Import of an Ideological Principle." Quarterly Journal of Speech 64 (1978): 141-154.

—-. "The Origins of 'Liberty': A Feminization of Power." Communication Monographs 47 (1980): 23-45.

—-. "Secular Humanism: A Radical Reading of 'Culture Industry' Productions." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 1 (1984): 1-33.

—-. "Social Movement as Meaning." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 74-77.

—-. "Text, Context, and the Fragmentation of Contemporary Culture." Western Journal of Speech Communication 54 (1990): 274-289.

McGee, Michael Calvin, and Martha Anne Martin. "Public Knowledge and Ideological Argumentation." Communication Monographs 50 (1983): 47-65.

McGuire, Michael. "Ideology and Myth as Structurally Different Bases for Political Argumentation." Journal of the American Forensic Association 24 (1987): 16-26.

McIntush, Holly G. "Defining Education: The Rhetorical Enactment of Ideology in A Nation at Risk." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 3 (2000): 419-443.

McKenzie, Paula. "An Ideological Criticism of Mary Mcleod Bethune's ‘Democracy’ Speech." Florida Communication Journal 40.2 (2012): 13-22.

McKerrow, Raymie E. "Critical Rhetoric: Theory and Praxis." Communication Monographs 56 (1989): 91-111.

Megill, Alan. "Responses to Wander Heidegger, Wanter, and Ideology." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 114-119.

Moore, Mark P. "The Cigarette As Representational Ideograph in the Debate Over Environmental Tobacco Smoke." Communication Monographs 64 (1997): 47-64.

—-. "Constructing Irreconcilable Conflict: The Function of Synecdoche in the Spotted Owl Controversy." Communication Monographs 60 (1993): 258-274.

—-. "The Rhetoric of Ideology: Confronting A Critical Dilemma." Southern Communication Journal 54 (1988): 74-92.

Morris, Richard. "Modernity's Prometheus." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 139-146.

Mumby, Dennis, and Carole Spitzack. "Ideology and Television News: A Metaphoric Analysis of Political Stories." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 162-171.

Murray, Jeffrey W. "Constructing the Ordinary: The Dialectical Development of Nazi Ideology." Communication Quarterly 46 (1998): 41-59.

wa Mwachofi, Ngure. "Apprehending the Power and Ideological Import of Metaphor in President de Klerk's Rhetoric." Howard Journal of Communications 5 (1995): 331-352.

Oravec, Christine. "The Ideological Significance of Discursive Form: A Response to Solomon and Perkins." Communication Studies 42 (1991): 383-391.

Owen, Susan A., and Peter Ehrenhaus. "Animating a Critical Rhetoric: On the Feeding Habits of American Empire." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 169-177.

Parry-Giles, Shawn J. "The Rhetorical Tension Between Propaganda and Democracy: Blending Competing Conceptions of Ideology and Theory." Communication Studies 44 (1993): 117-131.

Parry-Giles, Trevor. "Character, the Consititution, and the Ideological Embodiment of "Civil Rights" in the 1967 Nomination of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court." Quarterly Journal of Speech 82 (1996): 364-382.

—-. "Ideological Anxiety and the Censored Text: Real Lives — At the Edge of the Union." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 11 (1994): 54-72.

—-. "Ideology and Poetics in Public Issue Construction: Thatcherism, Civil Liberties, and 'Terrorism' in Northern Ireland." Communication Quarterly 43 (1995): 182-196.

Pearce, W. Barnett, Stephen W. Littlejohn, and Alison Alexander. "The New Christian Right and the Humanist Response: Reciprocated Diatribe." Communication Quarterly 35 (1987): 171-192.

Reid, Ronald F. "Apocalypticism and Typology: Rhetorical Dimensions of a Symbolic Reality." Quarterly Journal of Speech 69 (1983): 229-248.

Rigsby, Enrique D. "African American Rhetoric and the 'Profession'." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 191-199.

Rodden, John G. "Field of Dreams." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 111-138.

Rosenfield, Lawrence W. "Ideological Miasma." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 119-121.

Rushing, Janice Hocker. "Power, Other, and Spirit in Cultural Texts." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 159-168.

Rushing, Janice Hocker, and Thomas S. Frentz. "Integrating Ideology and Archetype in Rhetorical Criticism." Quarterly Journal of Speech 77 (1991): 385-406.

—-. "Integrating Ideology and Archetype in Rhetorical Criticism, Part II: A Case Study of Jaws." Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 61-81.

Shah, Hemant, and Michael C. Thornton. "Racial Ideology in U.S. Mainstream News Magazine Coverage of Black-Latino Interaction, 1980-1992." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 11 (1994): 141-161.

Sloop, John M. "'Apology Made to Whoever Pleases': Cultural Discipline and the Ground of Interpretation." Communication Quarterly 42 (1994): 345-362.

Solomon, Martha. "Ideology as Rhetorical Constraint: The Anarchist Agitation of 'Red Emma' Goldman." Quarterly Journal of Speech 74 (1988): 184-200.

Srader, Doyle. "Spanning Ideological Chasms: The Response to Conceptual Segregation in Bowers v. Hardwick." Argumentation and Advocacy 30 (1994): 206-219.

Sproule, J. Michael. "Ideology and Critical Thinking: The Historical Connection." Journal of the American Forensic Association 24 (1987): 4-15.

Stein, Sarah R. "The "1984" Macintosh Ad: Cinematic Icons and Constitutive Rhetoric in the Launch of a New Machine." The Quarterly Journal of Speech 88.2 (2002): 169-92.

Strodthoff, Glenn G., Robert P. Hawkins, and A. Clay Schoenfeld. "Media Roles in a Social Movement: A Model of Ideology Diffusion." Journal of Communication 35 (1985): 134-153.

University of Washington Discourse Analysis Group. "The Rhetorical Construction of a President." Discourse and Society 1 (1990): 189-200.

Wander, Philip C. "At the Ideological Front." Communication Studies 42 (1991): 199-218.

—-. "The Ideological Turn in Modern Criticism." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 1-18.

—-. "Introduction: Special Issue on Ideology." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 105-110.

—-. "The Rhetoric of American Foreign Policy." Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (1984): 339-361.

—-. "The Third Persona: An Ideological Turn in Rhetorical Theory." Central States Speech Journal 35 (1984): 197-216.

Weiler, Michael. "Neo-Conservatism: A Study of Ideological Argument." Journal of the American Forensic Association 24 (1987): 37-47.

—-. "The Rhetoric of Neo-Liberalism." Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (1984): 362-378.

West, James T. "Ethnography and Ideology: The Politics of Cultural Representation." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 209-220.

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