The Gorgias and Phaedrus are the two Platonic dialogues that get the most treatment from rhetoricians; therefore they have separate bibliographies. This page includes all other sources on the rhetorical Plato.
List of Sources
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Benitez, Eugenio. "Argument, Rhetoric, and Philosophic Method: Plato's Protagoras." Philosophy & Rhetoric 25/3 (1992): 222-252.
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Dusanic, Slobodan. "Isocrates, the Chian Intellectuals, and the Political Context of the Euthydemus." Journal of Hellenic Studies 119 (1999): 1-16.
Engel, S. Morris. "Fallacy, Wit, and Madness." Philosophy & Rhetoric 19 (1986): 224-241.
Erickson, K. V., ed. Plato: True and Sophistic Rhetoric. Amsterdam: Ed. Rodopi, 1979.
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Lewis, V. Bradley. "The Rhetoric of Philosophical Politics in Plato's Seventh Letter." Philosophy & Rhetoric 33 (2000): 23-38.
Metcalf, Robert. "The Philosophical Rhetoric of Socrates' Mission." Philosophy & Rhetoric 37/2 (2004): 143-166.
Miller, Dana. "Rhetoric in the Light of Plato's Epistemological Criticisms." Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, Vol. 30 No. 2, Spring 2012; (pp. 109-133) DOI: 10.1525/RH.2012.30.2.109
Moline, Jon. "Plato on Persuasion and Credibility." Philosophy & Rhetoric 21 (1988): 260-278.
Monoson, S. Sara. "Remembering Pericles: The Political and Theoretical Import of Plato's Menexenus." Political Theory 26 (1998): 489-513.
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Muckelbauer, John. "Sophistic Travel: Inheriting the Simulacrum Through Plato's The Sophist." Philosophy & Rhetoric 34 (2001): 225-244.
Murray, James S. "Interpreting Plato on Sophistic Claims and the Provenance of the 'Socratic Method.'" Phoenix 48 (1994): 115-
Nehamas, Alexander "Eristic, Antilogic, Sophistic, Dialectic: Plato's Demarcation of Philosophy from Sophistry." History of Philosophy Quarterly 7 (1990): 3-16.
Noel, Marie-Pierre. "Sophistic Kairos and the Shaping of Logos in Gorgias." Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes 72 (1998): 233-247.
Nussbaum, Martha. The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.
Quandahl, Ellen. "What is Plato? Influence and Allusion in Plato's Sophist." Rhetoric Review 7 (1989): 338-348.
Quandt, Kenneth. "Socratic Consolation: Rhetoric and Philosophy in Plato's Crito." Philosophy & Rhetoric 15/4 (1982): 238-256.
Quimby, R. W. "The Growth of Plato's Perception of Rhetoric." Philosophy & Rhetoric 7 (1974): 71-79.
Petruzzi, Anthony P. "Rereading Plato's 'Rhetoric'." Rhetoric Review 15 (1996): 5-25.
Reames, Robin. "The μῦθος of Pernicious Rhetoric: The Platonic Possibilities of λογός in Aristotle's Rhetoric." Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, Vol. 30 No. 2, Spring 2012; (pp. 134-152) DOI: 10.1525/RH.2012.30.2.134
Roochnik, David. "In Defense of Plato: A Short Polemic." Philosophy & Rhetoric 24 (1991): 153-158.
Rosenstock, Bruce. "Socrates as Revenant: A Reading of the Menexenus." Phoenix 48 (1994): 331-347. Stewart, Robert Scott.
Rossetti, Livio. "The Rhetoric of Socrates." Philosophy & Rhetoric 22/4 ( 225-238.
Stewart, Robert Scott. "The Epistemological Function of Platonic Myth." Philosophy & Rhetoric 22 (1989): 260-280.
Teloh, H. "The Isolation and Connection of the Forms in Plato's Middle Dialogues." Apeiron 10 (1976): 20-23.
Timmerman, David M. "Ancient Greek Origins of Argumentation Theory: Plato's Transformation of Dialegesthai to Dialectic." Argumentation and Advocacy 29 (1993): 116-123.
Vincenzo, Joseph. "Socrates and Rhetoric: The Problem of Nietzsche's Socrates." Philosophy & Rhetoric 25//2 (1992): 162-182.
Wardy, Robert. The Birth of Rhetoric: Gorgias, Plato and Their Successors. London: Routledge, 1996.
Wiegmann, Hermann. "Plato's Critique of the Poets and the Misunderstanding of his Epistemological Argumentation." Philosophy & Rhetoric 23 (1990): 109-124.
Zyskind, Harold. "Plato's Republic Book I: An Equitable Rhetoric." Philosophy & Rhetoric 25/3 (1992): 205-221.