This bibliography includes all things political/rhetorical that are not presidential. For presidential rhetoric bibliographies please go to Presidential Rhetoric: General and Comparative Sources, and Presidential Rhetoric: Sources on Individual Presidents A to Z. The Political Rhetoric bibliography is especially strong on Debates, Campaigns and Conventions. Presidential campaigns are included here, for candidates prior to becoming president, after which their rhetoric becomes officially presidential. When in doubt, check cite in both places and if editing, duplicate the title wherever it fits. This page is overseen by Allan Louden.
A to G
Anderson, K. V. (2017). Forum on the 2016 presidential primary: rhetoric, identity, and presidentiality in the post-Obama era. Rhetoric & Public affairs, 20, 489 – 492.
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Bennett, W. L., & Edelman, M. (1985). Toward a new political narrative. Journal of Communication, 35, 156-171.
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Coleman, J. J., & Mana, P. (2007). Above the Fray? The use of party system references in presidential rhetoric. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 37, 399–426.
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Connolly, W. E. (1987). Politics and ambiguity. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
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Craig, Douglas B. ""Don't You Hear All the Railroad Men Squeak?": William G. McAdoo, the United States Railroad Administration, and the Democratic Presidential Nomination of 1924." Journal of American Studies 48, no. 3 (2014): 777-95. [].
Craig, S. C., & Hurley, T. L. (1984). Political rhetoric and the structure of political opinion: Some experimental findings. Western Political Quarterly, 37, 632-640.
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De Landtsheer, C., & Feldman, O. (Eds.) (2000). Beyond speech and symbols: Explorations in the rhetoric of politicians and the media. Westport, CT: Praeger. [Mostly international]
Denton, Robert E., ed. Studies of Communication in the 2016 Presidential Campaign Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017.
Denton, Robert E., & Goodnight, Lynn. (1988). A communication model of presidential campaigns. New York: Praeger.
Dolan, F. M. (1994). Narratives, metaphysics, politics. Ithica, NY: Cornell University Press.
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Dorsey, L. G. (1997). Sailing into the "Wondrous Now": The Myth of the American Navy's world cruise. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 83, 447-465.
Dow, B. J. (1989). The function of epideictic and deliberative strategies in presidential crisis rhetoric. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 53, 294-310.
Dowling, R. E. (1989). Print journalism as political communication: The Iran hostage crisis. Political Communication and Persuasion, 6, 129-150.
Draper, A. T. (2018). Resisting Whiteness: Christian Speech as Mutual Articulation. Journal of Communication & Religion, 41, 23-32.
Eberly, R. A. (2002). Rhetoric and the anti-logos doughball: Teaching deliberating bodies the practices of participatory democracy. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 5, 287-300.
Edelman, M. (2001). The politics of misinformation. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Edwards, G. E. (2003). On deaf ears: The limits of the Bully Pulpit. Yale University Press.
Edwards, J. A. (2015). Foreign policy rhetoric in the 1992 presidential campaign: Bill Clinton's exceptionalist jeremiad. Speaker & Gavel, 52 32-53.
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Foster, D E. (2010). Pulling at Our Heartstrings: The Republican Party's Use of Pathos in Their Presidential Campaign Rhetoric as an Explanation for Their Success in Recent Presidential Elections. Kentucky Journal of Communication, 29, 1-20.
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Gordon, D. B., & Crenshaw, C.(2004). Racial Apologies. In P. A. Sullivan, & S. R. Goldzwig (Eds.), New approaches to rhetoric (pp. 245-266). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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H to N
Hariman, R. (1995). Political style: The artistry of power. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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