This bibliography follows the work of scholars in communication and rhetoric interested in publics, counterpublics and controversy, as well as the Frankfurt School of critical theory and related continental theory.
List of Sources
Asen, Robert. "Ideology, Materiality, and Counterpublicity: William E. Simon and the Rise of a Conservative Counterintelligentsia." Quarterly Journal of Speech 95/3 (2009): 263-288.
Asen, Robert. "Imagining in the Public Sphere." Philosophy & Rhetoric Vol. 35, No. 4 (2002), pp. 345-367.
Balthrop, V. William. "Culture, Myth, and Ideology as Public Argument: An Interpretation of the Ascent and Demise of 'Southern Culture'." Communication Monographs 51 (1984): 339-352.
Bitzer, Lloyd. "The Rhetorical Situation." Philosophy and Rhetoric 1 (1968): 1-14.
Cooren, Francois. "Toward Another Ideal Speech Situation: A Critique of Habermas' Reinterpretation of Speech Act Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86 (2000): 295-317.
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Cox, J. Robert. "Loci Communes and Thoreau's Arguments for Wilderness in 'Walking' (1851)." Southern Speech Communication Journal 46 (1980): 1-16.
Cox, J. Robert. "Memory, Critical Theory and the Argument from History." Argumentation and Advocacy 27 (1990): 1-13.
Cox, J. Robert. "Performing Memory/Speech: Aesthetic Boundaries and 'the Other' in Ghetto and The Normal Heart." Text and Performance Quarterly 12 (1992): 385-390.
Cox, J. Robert. "An 'Unsolved Contradiction'? Herbert Marcuse on Aesthetic Form and Praxis." Literature in Performance 8 (1988): 21-27.
Cushman, Donald P., and Gerard A. Hauser. "Weaver's Rhetorical Theory: Axiology and the Adjustment of Belief, Invention, and Judgment." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 319-329.
Dahlberg, Lincoln. "The Internet and Democratic Discourse: Exploring the Prospects of Online Deliberative Forums Extending the Public Sphere." Information, Communication, and Society 4 (2001): 615-633.
DeChaine, D. Robert. "Magic, Mimesis, and Revolutionary Praxis: Illuminating Walter Benjamin's Rhetoric of Redemption." Western Journal of Communication 64 (2000): 285-307.
Doxtader, Erik. "Characters in the Middle of Public Life: Consensus, Dissent, and Ethos." Philosophy & Rhetoric 33 (2000): 336-369.
Doxtader, Erik. "The Entwinement of Argument and Rhetoric: A Dialectical Reading of Habermas' Theory of Communicative Action." Argumentation and Advocacy 27 (1991): 51-63.
Doxtader, Erik. "Learning Public Deliberation Through the Critique of Institutional Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy 31 (1995): 185-203.
Doxtader, Erik. "Making Rhetorical History in a Time of Transition: The Occasion, Constitution, and Representation of South African Reconciliation." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 4 (2001): 223-260.
Farrell, Thomas B. "Habermas on Argumentation Theory: Some Emerging Topics." Journal of the American Forensic Association 16 (1979): 77-82.
Farrell, Thomas B. "Knowledge, Consensus, and Rhetorical Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 62 (1976): 1-14.
Farrell, Thomas B. "Media Rhetoric as Social Drama: The Winter Olympics of 1984." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 6 (1989): 158-182.
Farrell, Thomas B. Norms of Rhetorical Culture. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993.
Farrell, Thomas B. "On the Disappearance of the Rhetorical Aura." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 147-158.
Farrell, Thomas B. "Political Conventions as Legitimation Ritual." Communication Monographs 45 (1978): 293-305.
Farrell, Thomas B. "Practicing the Arts of Rhetoric: Tradition and Invention." Philosophy and Rhetoric 24 (1991): 183-212.
Farrell, Thomas B. "Social Knowledge II." Quarterly Journal of Speech 64 (1978): 329-334.
Farrell, Thomas B. "Validity and Rationality: The Rhetorical Constituents of Argumentative Form." Journal of the American Forensic Association 13 (1977): 142-149.
Farrell, Thomas B., and G. Thomas Goodnight. "Accidental Rhetoric: The Root Metaphors of Three Mile Island." Communication Monographs 48 (1981): 271-300.
Farrell, Thomas B., and Tamar Katriel. "Scrapbooks as Cultural Texts: An American Art of Memory." Text and Performance Quarterly 11 (1991): 1-17.
Farrell, Thomas B., and Thomas S. Frentz. "Communication and Meaning: A Language-Action Synthesis." Philosophy and Rhetoric 12 (1979): 215-255.
Finnegan, Cara A., and Jiyeon Kang. "'Sighting' the Public: Iconoclasm and Public Sphere Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 90/4 (2004): 377-402.
Foust, Christina, Amy Pason, and Kate Zittlow Rogness, eds. What Democracy Looks Like : The Rhetoric of Social Movements and Counterpublics. University of Alabama Press, 2016.
Francesconi, Robert. "The Implications of Habermas's Theory of Legitimation for Rhetorical Criticism." Communication Monographs 53 (1986): 16-35.
Fusfield, William. "Communication without Constellation? Habermas's Argumentative Turn in (and Away from) Critical Theory." Communication Theory 7 (1997): 301-320.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Argumentation and the Nuclear Age." Journal of the American Forensic Association 24 (1988): 141-142.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Controversy." Argument in Controversy: Proceedings of the Seventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Ed. Donn W. Parson. Annandal, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1991. 1-13.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "The Firm, the Park, and the University: Fear and Trembling on the Postmodern Trail." Quarterly Journal of Speech 81 (1995): 267-290.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Generational Argument." Argumentation Across the Lines of Disciplines: Proceedings of the Conference on Argumentation (Amsterdam, 1986): Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis. Ed. F. H. von Eermeren et al. Providence: Foris Press, 1987. 129-144.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Habermas, the Public Sphere, and Controversy." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 4 (1992): 243-255.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Messrs. Dinkins, Rangel, and Savage in Colloquy on the African Burial Ground: A Companion Reading." Western Journal of Communication 63 (1999): 511-525.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Opening Up 'The Spaces of Public Dissension'." Communication Monograph 64 (1997): 270-275.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. The Personal, Technical, and Public Spheres of Argument: A Speculative Inquiry into The Art of Public Deliberation." Journal of the American Forensic Association 18 (1982): 214-227.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Public Discourse." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 4 (1987): 428-432.
Goodnight, G. Thomas. "Toward a Social Theory of Argumentation." Argumentation and Advocacy 26 (1989): 60-70.
Goodnight, G. Thomas, and Kathryn M. Olson. "Shared Power, Foreign Policy, and Haiti, 1994: Public Memories of War and Race." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 9 (2006): 601-634.
Goodnight, G. Thomas, and John Poulakos. "Conspiracy Rhetoric: From Pragmatism to Fantasy in Public Discourse." Western Journal of Speech Communication 45 (1981): 299-316.
Griffin, Cindy L. "The Essentialist Roots of the Public Sphere: A Feminist Critique." Western Journal of Communication 60 (1996): 21-39.
Habermas, Jürgen, et al. “The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article (1964).” New German Critique, no. 3, 1974, pp. 49–55. JSTOR,
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Haskell, Robert E., and Gerard A. Hauser. "Rhetorical Structure: Truth and Method in Weaver's Epistemology." Quarterly Journal of Speech 64 (1978): 233-245.
Hauser, Gerard A. "Features of the Public Sphere." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 4 (1987): 437-441.
Hauser, Gerard A. "On Publics and Public Spheres: A Response to Phillips." Communication Monograph 64 (1997): 275-279.
Hauser, Gerard A. "Vernacular Dialogue and the Rhetoricality of Public Opinion." Communication Monographs 65 (1998): 83-107.
Hauser, Gerard A. Vernacular Voices: The Rhetoric of Publics and Public Spheres. Greenville: U of South Carolina P, 1999.
Jackson, Sarah J. and Brooke Foucault Welles. "Hijacking #MYNYPD: Social Media Dissent and Networked Counterpublics." Journal of Communication, Volume 65, Issue 6, December 2015, Pages 932–952. []
Jasinski, James "Ideology, Reflection, and Alienation in Rhetorical and Argumentative Practice." Journal of the American Forensic Association 24 (1988): 207-217.
Katriel, Tamar. "'Our Future is Where Our Past Is:' Studying Heritage Museums as Ideological and Performative Arenas." Communication Monographs 60 (1993): 69-75.
Langsdorf, Lenore. "Refusing Individuality: How Human Beings Are Made into Subjects." Communication Theory 7 (1997): 321-342.
Leslie, Andrew W., and Stephen O'Leary. "Rhizomic Rhetoric: Toward an Ecology of Institutional Argument." Argument in Controversy: Proceedings of the Seventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Ed. Donn W. Parson. Annandal, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1991. 64-72.
Loehwing, Melanie, and Jeff Motter. "Publics, Counterpublics, and the Promise of Democracy." Philosophy & Rhetoric 42/3 (2009): 220-241.
McGee, Michael Calvin, and Martha Anne Martin. "Public Knowledge and Ideological Argumentation." Communication Monographs 50 (1983): 47-65.
Mitchell, Gordon R. Strategic Deception: Rhetoric, Science, and Politics in Missile Defense Advocacy. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2001.
Olson, Kathryn M. "The Controversy over President Reagan's Visit to Bitburg: Strategies of Definition and Redefinition." Quarterly Journal of Speech 75 (1989): 129-151.
Olson, Kathryn M., and G. Thomas Goodnight. "Entanglements of Consumption, Cruelty, Privacy, and Fashion: The Social Controversy Over Fur." Quarterly Journal of Speech 80 (1994): 249-276.
Ono, Kent A., and John M. Sloop. "Critical Rhetorics of Controversy." Western Journal of Communication 63 (1999): 526-536.
Phillips, Kendall R. "A Rhetoric of Controversy." Western Journal of Communication 63 (1999): 488-510.
Phillips, Kendall R. "The Spaces of Public Dissension: Reconsidering the Public Sphere." Communication Monographs 63 (1996): 231-248.
Pollock, Della. "Aesthetic Negation after WWII: Mediating Bertolt Brecht and Theodor Adorno." Literature in Performance 8 (1988): 12-20.
Pollock, Della, and J. Robert Cox. "Historicizing 'Reason': Critical Theory, Practice, and Postmodernity." Communication Monographs 58 (1991): 170-178.
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Warner, Michael. Publics and Counterpublics. New York: Zone, 2002.
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Willard, Charles Arthur. "The Creation of Publics: Notes on Goodnight's Historical Relativity." Argumentation and Advocacy 26 (1989): 45-59.
Wood, Julia T., and Robert Cox. "Rethinking Critical Voice: Materiality and Situated Knowledges." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 278-287.
Zarefsky, David. "Causal Argument Among Historians: The Case of the Americal Civil War." Southern Speech Communication Journal 45 (1979): 187-205.
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