War Rhetoric

Bibliography of War Rhetoric Scholarship

Atchison, J. (2008). War rhetoric on the brink of destruction: Jefferson Davis and conditional emancipation. Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, 29, 134-164.

Atkinson, N. S (2011). Newsreels as domestic propaganda: Visual rhetoric at the dawn of the Cold War. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 14, 69–100.

Bahador, B., Moses, J., & Youmans, W. L. (2018). Rhetoric and Recollection: Recounting the George W. Bush Administration's Case for War in Iraq. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 48, 4-26.

Bartolucci, V. (2012). Terrorism rhetoric under the Bush Administration: Discourses and effects. Journal of Language and Politics, 11, 562-582.

Bates, B. R. (2009). Circulation of the World War II / Holocaust analogy in the 1999 Kosovo intervention: Articulating a vocabulary for international conflict. Journal of Language & Politics, 8, 28-51.

Ben-Porath, E. N. (2007). Rhetoric of Atrocities: The Place of horrific Human Rights abuses in presidential persuasion efforts. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 37, 181-202.

Butler, J. R. (2002). Somalia and the imperial savage: Continuities in the rhetoric of war. Western Journal of Communication, 66, 1-24.

BURTNESS, PAUL S. and WARREN U. OBER. "Provocation and Angst: FDR, Japan, Pearl Harbor, and the Entry into War in the Pacific." Hawaiian Journal of History, vol. 51, Nov. 2017, pp. 91-114.

Bostdorff, D. M. (2008). Proclaiming the Truman Doctrine: The cold war call to arms. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.

Bostdorff, D. (2003). George W. Bush's Post-September 11 rhetoric of covenant renewal: Upholding the faith of the Greatest Generation." Quarterly Journal of Speech, 89 293-319.

Carney, Z. H., & Stuckey, M. E. (2015). The World as the American Frontier: Racialized presidential war rhetoric. Southern Communication Journal, 80 163-188.

Carpenter, R. A., &Robert V. Seltzer, R. V. (1974). Nixon, Patton, and the Silent Majority sentiment about the Viet Nam War: The cinematographic bases of a rhetorical stance." Central States Speech Journal 25 (1974), 105-110.

Cohen, E. (2006). "Hanoi John" and "Chickenhawks": The reaffirmation and subversion of the Vietnam War hero in the 2004 presidential campaign. In P. Riley (Ed.) Engaging Argument (pp. 367-372). Washington, DC: National Communication Association.

Dean, E. W. ( ). 'We Seek Peace-But We Shall Not Surrender': JFK's Use of Juxtaposition for Rhetorical Success in the Berlin Crisis. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 531-544.

Diez-Bosch, M., & Franch. (2017).In God We Trust, with God We Fight. Religion in U.S. presidential war rhetoric: From Johnson to Obama. Journal of Media & Religion, 16, 1-14.

Dorsey, L. G. (1997). Sailing into the "Wondrous Now": The Myth of the American Navy's world cruise. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 83, 447-465.

Edwards, Jason A., Joseph M. Valenzano, and Karla Stevenson. "The Peacekeeping Mission: Bringing Stability to a Chaotic Scene." Communication Quarterly 59, no. 3 (July 2011): 339-358.

Elesa, J. K., & Weed.M. C. (2013). Declarations of War and authorizations for the Use of military force: Historical background and legal implications. Congressional Research Service, Washington DC.

Engels, J. (2009). Friend or foe? Naming the enemy. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 12, 37–64.

Flanagan, Jason C. (2004). Woodrow Wilson's "Rhetorical Restructuring": The transformation of the American self and the construction of the German enemy. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 7, 115-148.

Fowler, R. (2017). Lion’s Last Roar, Eagle’s First Flight: Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis of 1956. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 20, 33-67.

Goodnight, T. G. (2010). The Metapolitics of the 2002 Iraq Debate: Public Policy and the Network Imaginary. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 13, 65–94.

Goodnight, T. G., & Olson, K. M. (2006). Shared power, foreign policy, and Haiti 1994: Public memories of war and race. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 9, 601-634.

Gustainis, J. J., (1989). John F. Kennedy and the Green Berets: The rhetorical use of the Hero Myth. Communication Studies, 40, 41-53.

Hartnett, S. J, & Stegrim. L. A. (2006). War Rhetorics: The National Security Strategy of the United States and President Bush's Globalization-through-Benevolent-Empire. South Atlantic Quarterly, 105, 175-

Hedges, J., & Hasian, M. Jr., (2005). Campaign posturing, military decision making, and the administrative amnesias. Rhetoric & Public Affairs; 8, 694-698.

Hasian, M. (2003). Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Holocaust, and modernity's rescue rhetorics. Communication Quarterly, 51 154-173.

Hubbard, B. (1998). Reassessing Truman, the bomb, and revisionism: The burlesque frame and entelechy in the decision to use atomic weapons against Japan." Western Journal of Communication 62 348-385.

Hurst, S. (2004). The rhetorical strategy of George H. W. Bush during the Persian Gulf Crisis 1990–91: How to help lose a war you won. Political Studies, 52, 376-392.

Ivie, R. L. (2011). Obama at West Point: A study in ambiguity of purpose. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 14, 727–760.

Ivie, R. L., (2005). Democracy and America's War on Terror. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.

Ivie, R. L. (2004). The rhetoric of Bush's "War" on evil. KB Journal, 1, http://kbjournal.org/node/53

Ivie, R. L., (2002). Rhetorical deliberation and democratic politics in the here and now. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 5, 277-285.

Ivie, R. L. (1996). Tragic fear and the rhetorical presidency: Combating evil in the Persian Gulf. In M. J. Medhurst (Ed.), Beyond the rhetorical presidency (pp. 153-178). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.

Ivie, R. L. (1980). Images of savagery of American justifications of war. Communication Monographs, 47, 279-294.

Ivie, R. L. (1974). Presidential motives for war. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 60, 337-345.

Ivie, R. L., & Giner, O. (2009). More good, less evil: Contesting the mythos of national insecurity in the 2008 presidential primaries. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 12, 279-301.

Ivie, R. L., & Giner, O. (2007). Hunting the Devil: Democracy's rhetorical impulse to war. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 37, 580–598.

Kellner, D. (2007). Bushspeak and the politics of lying: Presidential rhetoric in the "War on Terror". Presidential Studies Quarterly, 37, 622–645.

Kimble, J. (2018) Framing the President: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Participatory Quests, and the Rhetoric of Possibility in World War II Propaganda. Speaker & Gavel, 54, 94-112.

Kimble, J. J. (2007). My Enemy, My Brother: The paradox of peace and war in Abraham Lincoln’s rhetoric of conciliation. Southern Communication Journal, 72, 55–70.

Kapur, N. (2011). William McKinley's values and the origins of the Spanish-American War: A reinterpretation. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 41, 18-38.

Kuypers, J. A. (1997). Presidential crisis rhetoric and the press in the Post-Cold War world. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Kriner, Douglas L. “Examining Variance in Presidential Approval: The Case of FDR in World War II.” The Public Opinion Quarterly, vol. 70, no. 1, 2006, pp. 23–47. JSTOR, JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/3843969.

Maguire, Lori. "'We Shall Fight': A Rhetorical Analysis of Churchill's Famous Speech." Rhetoric and Public Affairs, vol. 17, no.2, 2014, pp. 255-86. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.14321/rhetpublaffa.17.2.0255.

Medhurst, M. J. (2000). Text and context in the 1952 presidential campaign: Eisenhower's "I shall go to Korea" speech. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 30, 464-484.

Medhurst, M. J. (1997). Eisenhower and the crusade for freedom: The rhetorical origins of a Cold War campaign. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 27, 646-661.

Medhurst, M. J. (Ed.) (1994). Eisenhower's war of words: Rhetoric and leadership. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

McKerrow, R. E. (1977). Truman and Korea: Rhetoric in the pursuit of victory." Central States Speech Journal, 28 1-12.

McMahon, R. J. (1999). Rationalizing defeat: The Vietnam War in American presidential discourse, 1975-1995. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 4, 529-549.

Milford, M. (2016). National identity, crisis, and the inaugural genre: George W. Bush and 9/11. Southern Communication Journal, 81, 18-31.

Murphy, J. M. (2003). "Our Mission and our Moment": George W. Bush and September 11th. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 6, 607-632.

Mersken, D. (2004). The construction of Arabs as enemies: Post-September 11 discourse of George Wl Bush. Mass Communication & Society, 7, 157-175.

Miorhosseini, S-A. (2017). Discursive double-legitimation of (avoiding) another war in Obama's 2013 address on Syria. Journal of Language & Politics, 16, 706-730.

Noon, D. H. (2004). Operation enduring analogy: World War II, the war on terror, and the uses of historical memory. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 7, 339-366.

Ohl, J. J. (2017), In pursuit of Light War in Libya: Kairotic justifications of war that just happened. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 20, 195-222.

Olson, K. M. (2004). Democratic enlargement's value hierarchy and rhetorical forms: An analysis of Clinton's use of a post-cold war symbolic frame to justify military interventions. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 34, 307-340.

Parry-Giles, S. J. (2001). The rhetorical presidency, propaganda, and the cold war, 1945-1955. New York, Praeger.

Rex, J. (2011). The president's war agenda: A rhetorical view. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 41, 93-118. (McKinley and Bush)

Rowland, R. C., & Jones, J. M. (2016). Reagan’s strategy for the Cold War and the Evil Empire address. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 19, 427-463.

Schuessler, J. M. (2010). The deception Dividend: FDR’s Undeclared War. International Security, 34, 4, 133-165.

Semmler, S. M. (2003). Fetching good out of evil: George W. Bush's post 9/11 rhetoric. Speaker and Gavel, 40, 67-90.

Simons, H. W. (2007). From post-9/11 melodrama to quagmire in Iraq: A rhetorical history. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 10, 183-194.

Smith, C. A. (2005). President Bush’s enthymeme of evil: The amalgamation of 9/11, Iraq, and moral values. American Behavioral Scientist, 49, 32-47.

Smith, C. R. (1999). The anti-war rhetoric of Daniel Webster. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 85, 1-16.

Spielvogel, C. (2005). "You Know Where I Stand”: Moral framing of the war on terrorism and the Iraq war in the 2004 presidential campaign. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 8, 549-569.

Stelzner, H. G. (1966). "War message," December 8, 1941: An approach to language. Speech Monographs, 33 419-437.

Stengrim, Laura A. "One World: Wendell Wilkie's Rhetoric of Globalism in the World War II Era." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 21, no. 2 (Summer2018 2018): 201-233.

Stuckey, M. (1992). "Remembering the Future: Rhetorical echoes of World War II and Vietnam in George Bush's speech on the Gulf War." Communication Studies 43 250-253.

Vartabedian, R. A. (1985). Nixon's Vietnam Rhetoric: A Case Study of Apologia as Generic Paradox." Southern Journal of Speech Communication 50 366-381.

Ventsel, Andreas. "Rhetorical transformation in Estonian political discourse during World War II." Semiotica 2016, no. 208 (January 2016): 103-131.

Winkler, C. (2007). Parallels in preemptive war rhetoric: Reagan on Libya, Bush 43 on Iraq. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 10, 303–334.

Yuravlivker, D. (2006). "Peace without Conquest": Lyndon Johnson's speech of April 7, 1965. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 26, 457-481.

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