Bibliography of War Rhetoric Scholarship
Atchison, J. (2008). War rhetoric on the brink of destruction: Jefferson Davis and conditional emancipation. Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, 29, 134-164.
Atkinson, N. S (2011). Newsreels as domestic propaganda: Visual rhetoric at the dawn of the Cold War. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 14, 69–100.
Bahador, B., Moses, J., & Youmans, W. L. (2018). Rhetoric and Recollection: Recounting the George W. Bush Administration's Case for War in Iraq. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 48, 4-26.
Bartolucci, V. (2012). Terrorism rhetoric under the Bush Administration: Discourses and effects. Journal of Language and Politics, 11, 562-582.
Bates, B. R. (2009). Circulation of the World War II / Holocaust analogy in the 1999 Kosovo intervention: Articulating a vocabulary for international conflict. Journal of Language & Politics, 8, 28-51.
Ben-Porath, E. N. (2007). Rhetoric of Atrocities: The Place of horrific Human Rights abuses in presidential persuasion efforts. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 37, 181-202.
Butler, J. R. (2002). Somalia and the imperial savage: Continuities in the rhetoric of war. Western Journal of Communication, 66, 1-24.
BURTNESS, PAUL S. and WARREN U. OBER. "Provocation and Angst: FDR, Japan, Pearl Harbor, and the Entry into War in the Pacific." Hawaiian Journal of History, vol. 51, Nov. 2017, pp. 91-114.
Bostdorff, D. M. (2008). Proclaiming the Truman Doctrine: The cold war call to arms. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Bostdorff, D. (2003). George W. Bush's Post-September 11 rhetoric of covenant renewal: Upholding the faith of the Greatest Generation." Quarterly Journal of Speech, 89 293-319.
Carney, Z. H., & Stuckey, M. E. (2015). The World as the American Frontier: Racialized presidential war rhetoric. Southern Communication Journal, 80 163-188.
Carpenter, R. A., &Robert V. Seltzer, R. V. (1974). Nixon, Patton, and the Silent Majority sentiment about the Viet Nam War: The cinematographic bases of a rhetorical stance." Central States Speech Journal 25 (1974), 105-110.
Cohen, E. (2006). "Hanoi John" and "Chickenhawks": The reaffirmation and subversion of the Vietnam War hero in the 2004 presidential campaign. In P. Riley (Ed.) Engaging Argument (pp. 367-372). Washington, DC: National Communication Association.
Dean, E. W. ( ). 'We Seek Peace-But We Shall Not Surrender': JFK's Use of Juxtaposition for Rhetorical Success in the Berlin Crisis. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 531-544.
Diez-Bosch, M., & Franch. (2017).In God We Trust, with God We Fight. Religion in U.S. presidential war rhetoric: From Johnson to Obama. Journal of Media & Religion, 16, 1-14.
Dorsey, L. G. (1997). Sailing into the "Wondrous Now": The Myth of the American Navy's world cruise. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 83, 447-465.
Edwards, Jason A., Joseph M. Valenzano, and Karla Stevenson. "The Peacekeeping Mission: Bringing Stability to a Chaotic Scene." Communication Quarterly 59, no. 3 (July 2011): 339-358.
Elesa, J. K., & Weed.M. C. (2013). Declarations of War and authorizations for the Use of military force: Historical background and legal implications. Congressional Research Service, Washington DC.
Engels, J. (2009). Friend or foe? Naming the enemy. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 12, 37–64.
Flanagan, Jason C. (2004). Woodrow Wilson's "Rhetorical Restructuring": The transformation of the American self and the construction of the German enemy. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 7, 115-148.
Fowler, R. (2017). Lion’s Last Roar, Eagle’s First Flight: Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis of 1956. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 20, 33-67.
Goodnight, T. G. (2010). The Metapolitics of the 2002 Iraq Debate: Public Policy and the Network Imaginary. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 13, 65–94.
Goodnight, T. G., & Olson, K. M. (2006). Shared power, foreign policy, and Haiti 1994: Public memories of war and race. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 9, 601-634.
Gustainis, J. J., (1989). John F. Kennedy and the Green Berets: The rhetorical use of the Hero Myth. Communication Studies, 40, 41-53.
Hartnett, S. J, & Stegrim. L. A. (2006). War Rhetorics: The National Security Strategy of the United States and President Bush's Globalization-through-Benevolent-Empire. South Atlantic Quarterly, 105, 175-
Hedges, J., & Hasian, M. Jr., (2005). Campaign posturing, military decision making, and the administrative amnesias. Rhetoric & Public Affairs; 8, 694-698.
Hasian, M. (2003). Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Holocaust, and modernity's rescue rhetorics. Communication Quarterly, 51 154-173.
Hubbard, B. (1998). Reassessing Truman, the bomb, and revisionism: The burlesque frame and entelechy in the decision to use atomic weapons against Japan." Western Journal of Communication 62 348-385.
Hurst, S. (2004). The rhetorical strategy of George H. W. Bush during the Persian Gulf Crisis 1990–91: How to help lose a war you won. Political Studies, 52, 376-392.
Ivie, R. L. (2011). Obama at West Point: A study in ambiguity of purpose. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 14, 727–760.
Ivie, R. L., (2005). Democracy and America's War on Terror. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Ivie, R. L. (2004). The rhetoric of Bush's "War" on evil. KB Journal, 1,
Ivie, R. L., (2002). Rhetorical deliberation and democratic politics in the here and now. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 5, 277-285.
Ivie, R. L. (1996). Tragic fear and the rhetorical presidency: Combating evil in the Persian Gulf. In M. J. Medhurst (Ed.), Beyond the rhetorical presidency (pp. 153-178). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Ivie, R. L. (1980). Images of savagery of American justifications of war. Communication Monographs, 47, 279-294.
Ivie, R. L. (1974). Presidential motives for war. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 60, 337-345.
Ivie, R. L., & Giner, O. (2009). More good, less evil: Contesting the mythos of national insecurity in the 2008 presidential primaries. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 12, 279-301.
Ivie, R. L., & Giner, O. (2007). Hunting the Devil: Democracy's rhetorical impulse to war. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 37, 580–598.
Kellner, D. (2007). Bushspeak and the politics of lying: Presidential rhetoric in the "War on Terror". Presidential Studies Quarterly, 37, 622–645.
Kimble, J. (2018) Framing the President: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Participatory Quests, and the Rhetoric of Possibility in World War II Propaganda. Speaker & Gavel, 54, 94-112.
Kimble, J. J. (2007). My Enemy, My Brother: The paradox of peace and war in Abraham Lincoln’s rhetoric of conciliation. Southern Communication Journal, 72, 55–70.
Kapur, N. (2011). William McKinley's values and the origins of the Spanish-American War: A reinterpretation. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 41, 18-38.
Kuypers, J. A. (1997). Presidential crisis rhetoric and the press in the Post-Cold War world. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Kriner, Douglas L. “Examining Variance in Presidential Approval: The Case of FDR in World War II.” The Public Opinion Quarterly, vol. 70, no. 1, 2006, pp. 23–47. JSTOR, JSTOR,
Maguire, Lori. "'We Shall Fight': A Rhetorical Analysis of Churchill's Famous Speech." Rhetoric and Public Affairs, vol. 17, no.2, 2014, pp. 255-86. JSTOR,
Medhurst, M. J. (2000). Text and context in the 1952 presidential campaign: Eisenhower's "I shall go to Korea" speech. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 30, 464-484.
Medhurst, M. J. (1997). Eisenhower and the crusade for freedom: The rhetorical origins of a Cold War campaign. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 27, 646-661.
Medhurst, M. J. (Ed.) (1994). Eisenhower's war of words: Rhetoric and leadership. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
McKerrow, R. E. (1977). Truman and Korea: Rhetoric in the pursuit of victory." Central States Speech Journal, 28 1-12.
McMahon, R. J. (1999). Rationalizing defeat: The Vietnam War in American presidential discourse, 1975-1995. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 4, 529-549.
Milford, M. (2016). National identity, crisis, and the inaugural genre: George W. Bush and 9/11. Southern Communication Journal, 81, 18-31.
Murphy, J. M. (2003). "Our Mission and our Moment": George W. Bush and September 11th. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 6, 607-632.
Mersken, D. (2004). The construction of Arabs as enemies: Post-September 11 discourse of George Wl Bush. Mass Communication & Society, 7, 157-175.
Miorhosseini, S-A. (2017). Discursive double-legitimation of (avoiding) another war in Obama's 2013 address on Syria. Journal of Language & Politics, 16, 706-730.
Noon, D. H. (2004). Operation enduring analogy: World War II, the war on terror, and the uses of historical memory. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 7, 339-366.
Ohl, J. J. (2017), In pursuit of Light War in Libya: Kairotic justifications of war that just happened. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 20, 195-222.
Olson, K. M. (2004). Democratic enlargement's value hierarchy and rhetorical forms: An analysis of Clinton's use of a post-cold war symbolic frame to justify military interventions. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 34, 307-340.
Parry-Giles, S. J. (2001). The rhetorical presidency, propaganda, and the cold war, 1945-1955. New York, Praeger.
Rex, J. (2011). The president's war agenda: A rhetorical view. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 41, 93-118. (McKinley and Bush)
Rowland, R. C., & Jones, J. M. (2016). Reagan’s strategy for the Cold War and the Evil Empire address. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 19, 427-463.
Schuessler, J. M. (2010). The deception Dividend: FDR’s Undeclared War. International Security, 34, 4, 133-165.
Semmler, S. M. (2003). Fetching good out of evil: George W. Bush's post 9/11 rhetoric. Speaker and Gavel, 40, 67-90.
Simons, H. W. (2007). From post-9/11 melodrama to quagmire in Iraq: A rhetorical history. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 10, 183-194.
Smith, C. A. (2005). President Bush’s enthymeme of evil: The amalgamation of 9/11, Iraq, and moral values. American Behavioral Scientist, 49, 32-47.
Smith, C. R. (1999). The anti-war rhetoric of Daniel Webster. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 85, 1-16.
Spielvogel, C. (2005). "You Know Where I Stand”: Moral framing of the war on terrorism and the Iraq war in the 2004 presidential campaign. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 8, 549-569.
Stelzner, H. G. (1966). "War message," December 8, 1941: An approach to language. Speech Monographs, 33 419-437.
Stengrim, Laura A. "One World: Wendell Wilkie's Rhetoric of Globalism in the World War II Era." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 21, no. 2 (Summer2018 2018): 201-233.
Stuckey, M. (1992). "Remembering the Future: Rhetorical echoes of World War II and Vietnam in George Bush's speech on the Gulf War." Communication Studies 43 250-253.
Vartabedian, R. A. (1985). Nixon's Vietnam Rhetoric: A Case Study of Apologia as Generic Paradox." Southern Journal of Speech Communication 50 366-381.
Ventsel, Andreas. "Rhetorical transformation in Estonian political discourse during World War II." Semiotica 2016, no. 208 (January 2016): 103-131.
Winkler, C. (2007). Parallels in preemptive war rhetoric: Reagan on Libya, Bush 43 on Iraq. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 10, 303–334.
Yuravlivker, D. (2006). "Peace without Conquest": Lyndon Johnson's speech of April 7, 1965. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 26, 457-481.