Orators in the Discourses of Slavery, Antislavery and Abolition
The Rhetorical Frederick Douglass
The Rhetorical Lincoln
Adams, John Quincy. On the Gag Rule, 09 January 1837.
Adams, John Quincy. On the Gag Rule, 06 February 1837.
American Anti-Slavery Society, Constitution.
American Anti-Slavery Society, Declaration of Sentiments.
Austin, James T. On the Murder of Lovejoy
Calhoun, John C. On the Reception of the Abolition Petitions, 06 February 1837.
Clay, Henry. Report of a Speech to the American Colonization Society.
Douglass, Frederick. "We Have Decided to Stay".
Douglass, Frederick. "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?"
Garrison, William Lloyd. Editorial "To the Public."
Garrison, William Lloyd. "No Compromise with Slavery".
Grimke, Angelina. Speech in Pennsylvania Hall.
Jefferson, Thomas. Letter to Demeunier.
Jefferson, Thomas. Letter to John Holmes.
Lincoln, Abraham. Second Inaugural Address.
Mott, Lucretia. "The Law of Progress".
Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Massachusetts (Congregational).
Phillips, Wendell. On the Murder of Lovejoy.
Suffrage Amendments to the Constitution
Woolman, John. Journal Extracts.
Web Resources
American Abolitionists and AntiSlavery Activists: Conscience of the Nation
The Liberator. Complete run in page images at Fair Use Repository.