This page organizes notes, texts, images, weblinks and bibliography on Lincoln all in one handy place.
1838 January 27 The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions: Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois.
1858 June 16 "A House Divided".
1860 February 27 Cooper Union Address.
1861 March 04 First Inaugural Address.
1863 November 19 Gettysburg Address.
1864 April 18 Address at a Sanitary Fair.
1865 March 04 Second Inaugural Address.
Abraham_Lincoln. Wikipedia.
Abraham Lincoln. Ed. Michael Burlingame. Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia.
Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress.
Abraham Lincoln: A Resource Guide. Library of Congress Web Guide.
Abraham Lincoln Cartoons: Comic Portraits of His Presidency From Harpweek