
Resources and References for Speechwriters and about Speechwriting

Web Resources

Burton, Charlie. "All the President's Gab." British GQ 2 Sept. 2013. Web. 14 Mar. 2014. "How to Give a Speech Like Barack Obama".

Gerson, Michael. "The Danger for America Is Not Theocracy." Speech to the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Key West, FL, Dec 2004. Beliefnet.

Gerson, Michael. "The Art of Speechwriting".

Morgan, Nick. How To Write A Great Speech: 5 Secrets for Success. Forbes Magazine, 19 Jan. 2011.

Ritter, Kurt, and Martin J. Medhurst, eds. Presidential speechwriting: From the new deal to the Reagan revolution and beyond. Vol. 7. Texas A&M University Press, 2004.

Safire, William, Jeff Shesol, Mary Kate Cary, Gordon Stewart, Michael Waldman, William Gavin, and Clark S. Judge. "‘The Speech’: An Experts’ Guide". Room for Debate: A New York Times Blog 19 Jan 2009.

Schmitt, Jeff. "10 Keys to Writing a Speech." Forbes, 16 July 2013, [www.forbes.com/sites/jeffschmitt/2013/07/16/10-keys-to-writing-a-speech/?sh=1a70e5e4fb75].

Key Texts

Gavin, William F. Speechwright: An Insider's Take on Political Rhetoric. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2011.

Noonan, Peggy. On Speaking Well: How to Give a Speech with Style, Substance, and Clarity. New York, NY: Regan, 1999.

Bibliography for Presidential Speechwriting

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